Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thailand's traditional festivals. in November 2011

Loi Krathong, Nationwide
The water buffalo has always played a significant role in agriculture in Thailand, but in this yearly event, they can be seen in more unsual and entertaining ways than ploughing fields; namely, buffalo races and contests pitting buffalo against man.Loi Krathong, Sukhothai and Chiang Mai
It is belives that the Loi Krathong Festival orginated in Sukhothai, the first Thai is thereforce appropriate that this captivating event is held on the month amid the breathtaing ruins of the glorious ancient city.Activities include krathong floating a fireworks display, cultural performances and an amazing light and sound show.In Chiang Mai there is an unusual ritual associated with the Loi krathong Festival.This is the launching of Lanna-style hot air balloons, which are considered by local art and cultural performances, various fun-filled competitions, and local products sales and exhibitions..

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